Library & Reading Room

A. Central Library

  • The college central library is divided into the following sections.
    • Reference Library
    • Reading Library
  • The central library shall be under the charge of the college librarian.

B. Reference Library

Books for references and rare collections are available from the reference library. Books and other collections of the reference library shall not be given for circulation but the students may be permitted to make use of the books in the reading room.

C. Regulations regarding the General Library

  • The General library will be open from 9.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m.
  • A student is permitted to borrow only two volume at a time,
    However, more than one volume will be issued to post graduate students with the permission of the Head of the Department.
    General Rules
    • Keep your bag outside the library.
    • All students, teaching and non-teaching staff are the members of the library.
    • Books will be lent to the members only against their ID cards. All students are eligible to borrow 2 books at a time against his /her ID card.
    • Borrowers are responsible for the loss or damage of the books borrowed.
    • Quiet please - speak softly and make your cell phone silent.
    • No food or drink is allowed inside the library.
    • Be very careful with the book.
    • Do not write inside the book or on top of it.
    • Do not bend back the cover.
    • Return books on the due date.
    • Books due on a holiday may be returned on the next working day. No fine will be levied in such cases.
    • Students are entitled to keep any one book for two weeks from the date of issue.
    • Keep the library clean and read the books with respect.
    • Read and enjoy it.
    • Donate a book and be proud.
  • Books Shall be issued in the following schedule
    • S1 and S2 Students - Monday
    • S3 and S4 Students - Tuesday
    • S5 and S6 Students - Wednesday
    Post graduate students may borrow books at any time during working hours.
  • Books in the reading room will be issued to the students on surrendering the ID card . The card will be given back when the book is returned. No book shall be issued from the general library, without submitting the ID card.
  • Books taken out by the student shall be returned within 14 days from the date of issue. Books taken out before the commencement of a vacation shall be returned on the first working day after the re-opening of the college.
  • Any book borrowed by students may be recovered at any time even if the period of loan has not expired.
  • Failure to return the books on the due date shall entail a fine of Rs.1/- per day of delay for each book.
  • Any student who fails to pay library fines and dues or fails to return the books on the due date, shall not be entitled to borrow any more books from the library, till the books are returned and the dues are cleared.
  • Spoiling or damaging the books in any manner, writing or underlining of passages etc. on leaves of books, tearing of pages, pictures etc are punishable with heavy fines.
  • If any book is lost or damaged or mutilated, the borrower shall be required to replace the book with fine or pay such compensation as may be fixed by the Principal.
  • If one or more volumes belonging to a set or a series is lost or damaged and a new volume is not separately available, the borrower shall be required to replace the whole set or series.
  • Before leaving the counter, borrowers shall examine the books taken by them and point out any mutilation or defects in any book to the librarian, and shall be marked in the book and get it initialled by him. Otherwise, the borrowers will be held responsible for any damage or mutilation observed.
  • It shall be duty of the librarian and his staff to examine the books returned by the borrowers and take immediate action in all cases of mutilations and damages.
  • The transfer or sub-lending of books is strictly prohibited.

D. Reading Room

  • News papers and periodicals shall not be taken out from the reading room or from the place allotted for each.
  • Reading aloud or talking in the reading room is strictly forbidden.
  • Any loss or damage, will have to be compensated by the person responsible for it.
  • Umbrellas, hand bags and other personal belongings, including books must be left in the place assigned, before entering the reading room.