Parent Teacher Association (PTA)

The guardian of each student in the college shall join theassociation by paying a membership fee at the time of the student’sadmission. All teachers of the UIT Mannar are members of the association. When a student is removed from the roll of the college the guardian of the student shall forefeit his membership of the association.

Aims and objectives

The aims and objectives of the association shall be :-

  • To foster & promote good relationship among the members of the teaching staff, students and guardians of students.
  • To create in its members a keen interest for the smooth working and the progress of the college and for maintaininggood discipline and high academic standards.
  • To institute scholarships, medals etc. to the students showing high proficiency in their studies.
PTA Executive Committee
President Dr. V Prakash( Principal)
Vice-President Sri. O S Unnikrishnan
Secretary Sri. Saratchandran KP (Lect in Computer Science)
Parent’s Representatives
Teacher representatives
  • Smt.Aswathy S( Management)
  • Sri.Remesh A R( Commerce)
  • Smt.RG Remya ( Management)